Jerusalem's glory: A pruitan's view of what the church should be

Jerusalem's glory: A pruitan's view of what the church should be
出版社︰ Christian Heritage
庫存狀態︰ 1
銷售價︰ HK$80.00
購買數量︰     - 或 -   收藏

作  者: Thomas Watson

出版社: Christian Heritage

語  言: 英文

簡  介: Jerusalem's Glory reveals Thomas Watson's deep concern for the state of the Church and vital Christianity in a period of testing and decline. Watson did not merely write a religious polemic, but offered the fruits of many years of a successful preaching ministry. It is a work that is aimed at helping the believer in a practical manner to live a life that glories God and places Christ at the centre of the Church both doctrinally and in practical everyday living. He challenges the reader at every turn to seek to prove these things according to the authority of the Scriptures, and then to act upon it. The text is simplified for the modern reader, with a biographical introduction added to the original work. It will, though time, come to be regarded as Watson at his most readable and best.



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