The Believer Established vol.15

The Believer Established vol.15
出版社︰ Kingston Bible Trust
庫存狀態︰ 1
銷售價︰ HK$83.00
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作  者: C.A.C. (CAC)

出版社: Kingston Bible Trust

語  言: 英文

簡  介: There is one thing about the epistle to the Romans which makes it differ from other epistles of Paul, and that is, the fact that, in this unfolding of the truth, he takes nothing for granted, but begins at the very foundation. When writing to the Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, or Thessalonians, he was writing to people among whom he had laboured, and we find references to what he had taught them before; and though he had not seen the Colossians, yet Epaphras had told him so much about them that he could assume they were established up to a certain point. But in writing to the Romans he merely alludes to the fact that it was notorious in all the world that there was a company of believers at Rome. They were Gentile converts, but Paul had never seen them, and having to write a letter of commendation for Phoebe who was about to visit the imperial city, he takes the opportunity of unfolding to them "the gospel of God ... concerning his Son" from the very foundation. He will not "build upon another man's foundation"; he prefers to lay it himself, conscious of the special grace that was given to him of God: and in unfolding these foundation truths his desire was that the believers at Rome might be established according to that which he calls "my gospel".



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