An outline of Mark's gospel and other ministry v.19

An outline of Mark's gospel and other ministry v.19
出版社︰ Kingston Bible Trust
庫存狀態︰ 3
銷售價︰ HK$125.00
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作  者: C.A. Coates

出版社: Kingston Bible Trust

語  言: 英文

簡  介: C.A.C. We have been seeing in the book of Numbers what an important place the service of God has. We have been considering the place and ordering of the levites, the appointment of their service, the cities they dwelt in, and the universal distribution of the levitical character of things among the people of God. It was thought well that we might consider the One who is the true Servant; that we might engage ourselves for a little time with Him and the character of His service. One feels assured that nothing is acceptable service to God that is not after the pattern of Christ. God, having brought in what is for His full delight, cannot possibly accept anything of a different order. It is very touching to see that all is presented to us as glad tidings -- not in the way of demand -- but as glad tidings designed to have a very happy effect on all who read it. None of the other evangelists begin their gospel with "the glad tidings of Jesus Christ, Son of God", but Mark is so full of the happy character of it, and it so possesses him, that he bursts out with it in the first sentence. "Beginning of the glad tidings of Jesus Christ, Son of God". He plunges at once into the very heart of what is before him. It is as much as to say, 'Every word I have to utter about Him is "glad tidings"'. You feel at once you are in the presence of what is of God, and it is brought in in perfection, He is God's anointed Son. Mark counts on its being a source of real gladness to contemplate Him and to consider how He moved, how He acted, how He spoke. We can see that what Mark wrote is designed to have a very happy effect upon those who read it.



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