An outline of Joshua, Judges and Ruth C.A.C. v.6

An outline of Joshua, Judges and Ruth C.A.C. v.6
出版社︰ Kingston Bible Trust
庫存狀態︰ 1
銷售價︰ HK$85.00
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出版社: Kingston Bible Trust

語  言: 英文

簡  介: The book of Joshua does not, like the book of Deuteronomy, open up to us the wealth and blessedness of the land of Canaan or describe the enjoyment by God's chosen people of their inheritance. It is essentially a military book. The first half of the book is occupied by the wars of Jehovah, and the people are spoken of as the army of Jehovah; the latter half describes the division and occupation of the land by the tribes of Israel as a result of the conflict. This has a present voice to us, for none of us can enter into our inheritance apart from conflict; we do not hold anything for which we have not engaged in battle. The book of Judges corresponds more with the present moment than the book of Joshua. In the latter we see how the land was entered upon and possessed under Joshua, who would represent the leadership of Christ by the Spirit through the apostles, securing the possession of the inheritance by spiritual power; but now the question arises as to what will happen when that extraordinary leadership of spiritual power is no longer present. That is the day we are living in. We have not the apostles now to lead us with the power of Christ, and to secure the inheritance to us. That was not intended to be permanent. Joshua grows old and dies, for he represents the order of things that passes away, and the book opens with what takes place after the death of Joshua. In the book of Ruth there is recovery of the inheritance. One is found great enough to exercise the right of redemption, to redeem the inheritance and to secure a seed to enjoy it. And there is a peculiarly attractive charm about the book which appeals even to those who are not able to perceive its spiritual import.



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