A People Planted in the promised lands, (Bouter Hugo)

A People Planted in the promised lands, (Bouter Hugo)
出版社︰ Chapter Two
庫存狀態︰ 1
銷售價︰ HK$80.00
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作  者: Hugo Bouter

出版社: Chapter Two

語  言: 英文

簡  介: Jacob's last words tohis sons in Genesis 49 are quite fascinating because of their far-reaching consequences. On his deathbed the patriarch prophesied what would befall the twelve tribes which would springfrom his sons. These profetic vieuws vieuws describe the future of the tribes in the Promissed Land. The would be planted there as God's vineyard in order to bear fruit to Him, but they did not come up to His expectations (Isa. 5; Ps. 80). Therefore they would be removed from the land and go into captivity. But there still remains a rest for the people of God, and so these blessings really extend to the distant future, right down to the time of the millennium, when Israël under the reignn of Christ will be the centre of blessing for the whole earth. As christians we also learn many practical lessons from Jacob's blessings, among other things in connection with fruit bearing, since these things were written also for our instruction (Romans 15:4).



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