FB Meyer - A biography

FB Meyer - A biography
出版社︰ Ontario Christian Books
庫存狀態︰ 1
銷售價︰ HK$50.00
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作  者: W.Y. Fullerton

出版社: Ontario Christian Books

語  言: 英文

簡  介: Dr. Meyer was a Christian cosmopolitan, an evangelical opportunist, the world was his parish, and Christ was his life. With his gifts he might have risen to eminence in any urged to do for the sake of the influence he would exert, it is easy to imagine him as an archbishop; but with a big heart and a wide sympathy he remained true to his convictions until the end. He was great because he confessed he was little, and brave because he knew that any man might be a coward. His life is worth pondering, and this story of it may do something to set it in true perspective, with the abiding Christ as its real explanation.



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