John Vol.1 Expository thoughts on the gospels

John Vol.1 Expository thoughts on the gospels
出版社︰ The Banner of Truth Trust
庫存狀態︰ 6
銷售價︰ HK$100.00
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作  者: J.C. Ryle

出版社: The banner of truth trust

語  言: 英文

簡  介: If the best way to understand the Christian Faith is to read the Gospels, then the next books in order of importance have to be those which aid in the understanding of those Gospel. Observing this need in his own parish, J.C. Ryle prepared his Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, which have encircled the earth for more than a century-and-a-half with undiminished popularity and usefulness. Ryle's "plain and pointed" words are a great stimulus to the reading of Bible itself. While his chief aim is to help the reader to know Christ, he also has another object in view. He writes so that his commentary can be read aloud to a group. Unlike many authors, he is equally good read or heard. These are many other fuller commentaries on the Gospels, nut no others make such compelling listening-whether it be in the family, in neighbourhood groups, or over the airwaves - as those of J.C. Ryle.



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